(授权翻译:Bill Ma)
* 在10-12月季度,每位员工每两周支付1200元,对于一周工作时间少于20小时的工人,每两周支付750元。
* 在1-3月季度中,每名雇员每两周支付$1,000,一周工作时间少于20小时的工人的每两周支付$650。
* 提供现金流,为785,000多家企业增强付款能力。
* 通过HomeBuilder计划,为住宅和建筑业提供支持。
* 通过50%的工资补贴,为18万名学徒和学员提供支持。
* 在JobTrainer计划中提供340,700个职位,供那些希望提高技能的离校生和求职者使用。
* 通过JobSeeker付款和冠状病毒补助来支持个人收入。
* 4月和7月向包括退休金领取者在内的数百万澳大利亚人获得750澳元补助。
----------------------- 英文原件 -------------------------
JobKeeper Extended
Yesterday the Parliament passed the Government's extension of the JobKeeper program, ensuring that the scheme will continue to run for a further six months to March 2021.
The JobKeeper Payment represents the largest economic lifeline in Australia's history and has been crucial in supporting over 960,000 businesses to retain more than 3.5 million workers in jobs that may otherwise have been lost.
Without the crucial economic support measures we've put in place since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic - of which JobKeeper is the largest - figures from the Treasury indicate Australia's unemployment rate would be around 5 percentage points higher.
These measures have saved more than 700,000 jobs across the country.
For the next stage of JobKeeper beyond September, there will be a two-tiered payment, which will be tapered:
- For the December quarter, payments will be $1,200 per fortnight per employee, or $750 per fortnight for workers who were employed for less than 20 hours a week.
- For the March quarter, payments will be $1,000 per fortnight per employee, or $650 per fortnight for workers who were employed for less than 20 hours a week.
Further information about the JobKeeper extension can be found by visiting treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/jobkeeper/extension.
The Government is also continuing to provide support for jobs and investment through a number of other crucial measures, including:
- Cash flow boost payments for more than 785,000 businesses.
- Support for the residential and construction industry through the HomeBuilder program.
- Support for more than 180,000 apprentices and trainees through a 50 per cent wage subsidy.
- Up to 340,700 places in the JobTrainer program for school leavers and job seekers looking to upskill.
- Income support through the JobSeeker payment and the Coronavirus Supplement.
- $750 payments in April and July to millions of Australians, including pensioners.
Further details about these and other crucial measures that are supporting businesses and workers during this critical time are available by visiting treasury.gov.au.
Please don't hesitate to be in touch if I can be of assistance with questions you may have about any of these matters.
Best regards
The Hon Michael Sukkar MP
Federal Member for Deakin
Minister for Housing & Assistant Treasurer