(授权翻译:Bill Ma)

议会更新:2024 年 11 月 25 日至 28 日

本周标志着 2024 年议会会议日程的结束。随着圣诞节的临近,对于许多澳大利亚人来说,这将是一个充满挑战的时期,因为生活成本持续对家庭产生负面影响。


在议会,已通过立法,规定澳大利亚年轻人在社交媒体平台上拥有账户的年龄限制为 16 岁。




我还在议会谈到了工党在住房问题上的失败。在工党执政期间,房屋建设不足,完工率、批准率和首次购房者率都在下降。与此同时,工党一直在实施一代人以来最大的移民计划,有超过 140 万海外移民抵达。


您可以访问 www.michaelsukkar.com.au 或访问 YouTube,阅读我在议会演讲的文字记录或观看视频。









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Parliament Update: 25th - 28th November 2024

This week marked the end of the parliamentary sitting calendar for 2024. With the Christmas season fast approaching, for many Australians, this will be a challenging time as the cost of living continues to have an impact on households. 

This is because Australia remains at the back of the international pack in fighting inflation with our core inflation rate higher than every major advanced economy. While interest rate cuts are happening overseas, there are none in sight for Australia. 

In Parliament, legislation has been passed to introduce an age limit of 16 for young Australians to have an account with social media platforms. 

Protecting children from social media is one of the defining issues of our era. In no other generation have children been exposed to so much disturbing and harmful material at such a young age. It is crucial that we act to address this situation.

The legislation was passed after the Coalition negotiated changes which strengthened rules around privacy. Under our changes, people cannot be compelled to provide Digital ID, or government-issued identity documents such as drivers licences or passports. This is an important change.

Earlier this week, I addressed the National Press Club in Canberra about the Coalition's commitment and plans for housing. The main message I wanted viewers to take away from this debate was that the Coalition will not accept a generation of Australians not having the same opportunities that previous generations have enjoyed for home ownership.

I also spoke in Parliament about Labor's failures when it comes to housing. Under Labor, there are not enough houses being built, falling rates of completions, approvals and first home buyers. Meanwhile Labor has been running the biggest migration program in a generation, with more than 1.4 million overseas arrivals.

Finally, earlier this week, Labor scrapped their Misinformation Bill - a win for free speech and our democracy. Now, the Prime Minister must rule out bringing this legislation back, now or after the next election.


You can read transcripts or watch videos of my speeches in Parliament by visiting www.michaelsukkar.com.au or by visiting YouTube.

Best regards

The Hon Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness